Concorsi, Borse di Studio, Utenti Esterni Office


In Dafne Guesthouse (Building n. 33) there are the following facilities:

  • shared kitchen
  • washing machine
  • vending machine of hot drinks
  • two single rooms have accessible toilet


Guests staying in Adone Guesthouse (Building n. 26) may use the facilities available in Dafne.


Bed linen and towels are provided in all bedrooms and are changed weekly.

If it is necessary, and upon request, the change can be made more often.


WIFI is available in the facility.

Smoking is not allowed.


Guests can purchase breakfast and lunch at the Bar and Canteen inside the LNF.

Both services are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. More info here.




Reservations and Payments     

RESERVATIONS must be made through the online reservation system only.

Requests received in any other way will not be taken into consideration.

Booking confirmation will be sent via email.


→ Same-day reservations are not possible

→ Maximum advance reservation limit is 3 months before the foreseen date of arrival


Book a room


PAYMENTS can be done by credit/debit card, in person or remotely, or by advanced bank transfer.


→ Payment in CASH is not allowed.




Rooms prices per night

TWIN ROOM (if occupied by 2 persons)
To request a twin room: when booking both users must indicate the name of the other occupant
40 Euros




Check-in Policy

CHECK-IN from 12.00 am (CET)

Room keys can be obtained from the security guard on duty at the LNF main entrance, open h 24.

Guests must provide a valid passport or ID card.


CHECK-OUT by 10.00 am (CET)

When checking out, keys shall be left at the security guard





The LNF Guesthouses do not have a reception.

Reservations are managed during working time: Mon-Thu 8am-4pm – Friday 8am-3pm

Should you have any special needs (accessible toilet, apartment, etc.): guesthouse@lists.lnf.infn.it